Packaging with Docker
In addition to helping the process of building and testing software, docker could also provide a standard packaging format i.e. docker images. Along with this packaging format, comes the distribution mechanism i.e. docker image registries.
In this lab you are going to learn,
- about Docker’s standard imaging format
- How to test build docker images manually
- Learn how to write Dockerfiles
- understand the automated, iterative docker image process
- add docker packaging stage to the jenkins pipeline
- create per stage agent configurations in Jenkinsfile
Registering with the DockerHub
Since you are going to start working with the registry, build and push images to it later, its essential to have your own account on the registry. For the purpose of this tutorial, you are going to use the hosted registry i.e. Dockerhub.
Steps to create Dockerhub account
Step 1:
Visit the following link and sign up with your email id
Step 2:
Check your email inbox and check the activation email sent by docker team
Step 3:
After clicking on the activation link, you will be redirected to a log in page. Enter your credentials and log in
You will be launched to Dockerhub main page. Now the registration process is complete and you have account in Dockerhub!
Lab: Building Docker Images - A manual approach
Before you start building automated images, you are going to create a docker image by hand. you have already used the pre built image from the registry in the last session. In this sub section, you are going to create an image with worker application installed. Since worker is a java based application, and needs maven to build it, you will base our work on existing official image for maven.
- Clone Repository for Java worker app
git clone
- Launch an intermediate container to install worker app
Create a Container with schoolofdevops/voteapp-mvn:v1 image
docker run -idt --name build maven:3.6.1-jdk-8-slim sh
- Copy over the Source Code
cd example-voting-app/worker
docker container cp . build:/app
- Connect to container to compile and package the code
docker exec -it build sh
mvn package
- Verify jarfile has been built
ls target/
java -jar target/worker-jar-with-dependencies.jar
[sample output]
/app # java -jar target/worker-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Waiting for redis
Waiting for redis
Waiting for redis
Waiting for redis
Waiting for redis
Waiting for redis
[use ^c to exit]
The above is the expected output. The worker app keeps waiting for redis and then later db in a loop.
- Move the artifact, remove source code
mv target/worker-jar-with-dependencies.jar /run/worker.jar
rm -rf /app/*
Commit container to an image
- Exit from the container shell
- Note container ID
Commit the container into a image as,
docker container commit build <docker hub user id >/worker:v1
Test before pushing by launching container with the packaged app
docker run --rm -it <docker hub user id >/worker:v1 java -jar /run/worker.jar
- Push Image to registry
Before you push the image, you need to be logged in to the registry, with the docker hub id created earlier. Login using the following command,
docker login
To push the image, first list it,
docker image ls
[Sample Output]
initcron/worker v2 90cbeb6539df 18 minutes ago 194MB
initcron/worker v1 c0199f782489 34 minutes ago 189MB
To push the image,
docker push <dockrhub user id>/worker:v1
Lab: Building Images with Dockerfile
Now, lets build the same image, this time with Dockerfile. To do this, create a file by name Dockerfile in the root of the source code.
file: example-voting-app/worker/Dockerfile
FROM maven:3.6.1-jdk-8-slim
COPY . .
RUN mvn package && \
mv target/worker-jar-with-dependencies.jar /run/worker.jar && \
rm -rf /app/*
CMD java -jar /run/worker.jar
Lets now build the image
cd example-voting-app/worker
docker image build -t <dockrhub user id>/worker:v2 .
docker image ls
Try building again,
docker image build -t <dockrhub user id>/worker:v2 .
This time, it does not build everything, but uses cache.
Testing the image
docker container run --rm -it <dockrhub user id>/worker:v2
Tag the image as latest,
docker image tag <dockrhub user id>/worker:v2 <dockrhub user id>/worker:latest
docker image ls
Finally, publish it to the registry,
docker image push <dockrhub user id>/worker:latest
docker image push <dockrhub user id>/worker
Adding docker build stage to Jenkinsfile
- Add username/password type credential to Jenkins with name dockerlogin. Do do so, browse to
Jenkins -> Credentials -> Jenkins -> Global Credentials -> Add Credentials -> Username and password
. Ensure you add the dockerhub login and password with id as dockerlogin. - Refactor the Jenkinsfile for worker app by adding the following stage
file: worker/Jenkinsfile
agent any
echo 'Packaging worker app with docker'
docker.withRegistry('', 'dockerlogin') {
def workerImage ="xxxx/worker:v${env.BUILD_ID}", "./worker")
You have configured the pipelines to run with docker agents. However, the job to create and publish docker image needs to be run directly from the Jenkins server as thats where you have configured docker client to run. In order to support it, you would have to refactor the worker/Jenkinsfile to support per stage agents.
agent none
image 'maven:3.6.1-jdk-8-slim'
args '-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2'
echo 'building worker app'
sh 'mvn compile'
image 'maven:3.6.1-jdk-8-slim'
args '-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2'
echo 'running unit tests on worker app'
sh 'mvn clean test'
image 'maven:3.6.1-jdk-8-slim'
args '-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2'
echo 'packaging worker app into a jarfile'
sh 'mvn package -DskipTests'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/target/*.jar', fingerprint: true
agent any
echo 'Packaging worker app with docker'
docker.withRegistry('', 'dockerlogin') {
def workerImage ="initcron/worker:v${env.BUILD_ID}", "./worker")
echo 'the job is complete'