Writing jenkinsfile for a NodeJS app :-

Here you will verify your declarative pipeline for result and if you have any doubts to create Jenkinsfile for result, follow the below steps to complete the pipeline.


  • Create a branch feature/resultpipe using git checkout command.
git checkout -b feature/resultpipe
  • Create a Jenkinsfile inside result directory or copy the previous Jenkinsfile file from worker to result.

  • In Jenkinsfile, add nodejs tools with exact version that configured in manage jenkins -> global tool configuration -> Nodejs.

file: result/Jenkinsfile

pipeline {
  agent any

    nodejs 'NodeJS 8.9.0'


            changeset "**/result/**"

          echo 'Compiling result app..'
            sh 'npm install'
          changeset "**/result/**"
          echo 'Running Unit Tets on result app..'
            sh 'npm test'


        echo 'Building multibranch pipeline for worker is completed..'

commit the changes into feature/resultpipe branch by using below commands and it will automatically

 git status
 git add feature/resultpipe
 git commit -am "adding Jenkinsfile for result app"
 git push origin feature/resultpipe
  • In your jenkins, create new multibranch pipeline as result-pipe and copy form worker-pipe.

  • go to your result-pipe configuration page add description as instavote result multi branch pipeline and under build configuration change the script path as result/Jenkinsfile and save the configiuration, it will start scaning your repository and start your build as well.

  • go to result/test/mock.test.js file, add the one more more mocktest form exiting mocktest. commit the changes to feature/resultpipe branch using below commands.

git status
git add feature/resultpipe
git commit -am "adding mock test"
git push origin feature/resultpipe

Once you commit changes into the branch, it will automatically build the pipeline and gives the result. Now create a pull request from main github account and have it reviewed, merge with master branch. Once merged, jenkins will run pipeline job for master branch as well.