Continuous Testing

This section is dedicated to automated testing and here are your learning objectives,

  • You are going to begin by analysing code coverage with Jococo
  • Learn how to improve the code coverage
  • Setup sonarqube to automatically scan your repository
  • Create a project gating system to automatically decide whether the code is safe to deploy
  • Add integration and acceptance tests with docker compose and finally, incorporate all of these into the Jenkins pipeline

Code coverage with Jacoco


  • Fork this repo:
  • Add a maven job to run test on it
  • From post build action, publish Jacoco reports
  • Merge ut1, and ut2 branches into master and run the jobs again

Adding Static Code Analysis with Sonarqube


  • Setup sonarqube
  • Install sonarqube scanner plugin for Jenkins
  • Create token on sonarqube
  • Add Jenkins system/global tools configuration for sonarqube
  • Add build breaker plugin to sonarqube:

Sonarqube stage code snippet for Jenkinsfile [options for the classroom course]

stage('Sonarqube') {
    agent any
      branch 'master'
      sonarpath = tool 'SonarScanner'
    steps {
        echo 'Running Sonarqube Analysis..'
          withSonarQubeEnv('sonar') {
            sh "${sonarpath}/bin/sonar-scanner"

Adding Integration Tests


  • vote/
  • run as part of vote pipeline
stage('vote integration'){
    agent any
      changeset "**/vote/**"
      branch 'master'
      echo 'Running Integration Tests on vote app'
        sh ''

Adding e2e tests

  • ./
  • run as independent job